Spend Time Relaxing and Reducing Stress with Yoga in Gloversville
Looking for something different to do in Gloversville? Try yoga!
When walking down West Fulton Street, it’s hard to resist stopping at 11 W. Fulton Street as the sign in the window boasts, “Come In, We Are Awesome.” Into Wishin’ Studio & Crystal Shop has a variety of instructors for yoga and other meditative exercises, all with the goal of helping people obtain physical and mental balance and achieve true relaxation.
According to medicalnewstoday.com, yoga is popular with one in seven adults in this country. It is an ancient practice that brings together mind, body and spirit. In addition to mental health benefits, yoga improves flexibility, builds strength, increases muscle tone and improves balance.
Once such class is called “Sun Salutation Flow '' and it is 75 minutes of stretching and flowing with the music. While the name of the moves such as Down Dog and Cat Pose sound whimsical, they help get the blood flowing through the entire body and stretches all muscles. For more information and class schedules, visit intowishinstudio.com.

Other places to find yoga, meditation and more, include Glove Cities Yoga at 24 Prospect Street. For their classes, visit glovecitiesyoga.com.

The Gloversville Public Library also offers meditative classes that are currently on Zoom but the Qi Gong session is in person at the Rail Trail Park in the summertime. For the library’s offerings, visit www.gloversvillelibrary.org

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