Downtown Gloversville

Invest, Develop & Grow with Downtown Gloversville
A Walkable City Beloved for its History and Culture,
and Where People are Connected
Welcome to Gloversville, a smaller, walkable city that exudes large pride as it showcases its slower pace of life, family-oriented events and proximity to nature. Once the Glove Capital of the world, Gloversville is experiencing a Renaissance as it pivots from the manufacturing days of the leather and tannery industries to a community that supports small, artist-centered careers, and light manufacturing.
Working on its master plan with tools such as the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI),

Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA), and Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), the City of Gloversville is a driving force for change in Fulton County.
With great relationships with New York State, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Grid, the City of Gloversville has a proven track record of obtaining significant grants including Restore New York, a $10 million DRI, Community Development Block funding, Main Street initiatives, and several environmental technical assistance and study awards, the City of Gloversville will work with you on how you can become a member of our community. Learn more about Gloversville and the city that focuses on the appreciation of working, playing, living and learning in a unique atmosphere.
Employees can utilize public parking lots, some that are located off Fremont Street (behind the Glove Theatre and NBT drive- thru windows), on the corner of Church and Bleecker Streets. All these lots are a block away from Main Street. If transportation is needed, the city has a transit system that provides services to the Industrial Parks, and Fulton- Montgomery Community College. Downtown bus stops with waiting booths are located on Main Street and at City Hall.
Local Airbnb homes and apartments are available to rent for visitors and there are several dozen in the city of Gloversville, with two on Main Street. While here, tourists can visit the Glove Theatre, New York State Baseball Hall of Fame, the Karpeles Manuscript Museum and Fulton County Museum. Known as an Andrew Carnegie library, the Gloversville Public Library is an architectural sight that is home to 30,000 materials.
Our Small Business Owners Are What Makes Downtown Special
Gloversville Welcomes Cottage Industries
Downtown Gloversville welcomes cottage industries, also known as light manufacturing organizations, which emphasize unique and quality products with local flavors and designs. Current companies in the Downtown Corridor include Upstate Coffee Roasters, Adirondack Stained Glass Works, Herrl Woodcraft & Son, and Samco LLC. Upstate Coffee Roasters, located at 34 W. Fulton St., is an NFC Organic Certified Specialty Coffee that is in the food and retail manufacturing industry. Adirondack Stained Glass Works, located at 29 W. Fulton St., has been a driving force in the glass and glass product manufacturing field for over 40 years. Herrl Woodcraft & Son (HW Custom Kitchens), located at 39 Hamilton St., is a family owned and operated cabinet manufacturing business with more than 50 years of working in Gloversville. Starting its apparel manufacturing business in 1992, Samco has been creating gloves in the city once known as the “Glove Capital of the World.” The list continues to grow, and Downtown Gloversville enjoys highlighting the locally made products.
Family Is a Focus in Gloversville
There are many organizations that provide year- round entertainment for families. The Gloversville Recreation Commission works hard to provide events such as a fishing derby, fall festival, a summer day camp, and several festivals for all to enjoy. In the wintertime, it teams up with the Glove Theatre to provide free movies.
Opportunities for Artists in Gloversville
Gloversville offers a variety of opportunities for artists, as well as entertainment options for fans of art. Micropolis Cooperative Inc. hosts a gallery at 30 N. Main St. and celebrates regional artists and showcase artwork created in a wide range of media and styles. Located at 42 N. Main St. is the Glove Theatre that entertains audiences throughout the year with music performances, dramatic productions, comedy, holiday shows and more. The Dorn Space, located at 99 N. Main St., is a creative haven for performing arts and entertainment venue. Gloversville Civic Band consists of musicians from the area and performs concerts in the summer. Gloversville Community Music conducts a music school located at the Schine Memorial Building; 40 N. Main St. Authors can join writing groups offered at the Gloversville Public Library at 58 E. Fulton St.

Our Downtown Checks All the Boxes for a Vibrant Community
This compact city contains all the essentials of a vibrant community. Gloversville is a place where you want to grow your team and become a stakeholder in the community. A walkable city, downtown employees can get needed errands done on their lunch hour, as the core has a bank, pharmacy, jewelry store, insurance agents, hair salons, grocery market, gift shops, clothing stores, physicians, fitness gym, art studios, and dentists. There are several eateries available for both sit-down and take-out. If other errands take employees and staff away from the city core, major chain stores and health care facilities are a short car ride away.

Home to small businesses, it’s the owners and operators who prove how special Downtown is to Gloversville. Charles Rossbach, third generation owner of Rossbach Shoe Store at 10 W. Fulton St., focuses on customer care with his shop that was started by his grandfather 102 years ago.
Mike Medina, owner of Fulton County Barbershop at 17 N. Main St. supports literacy as he provides free cuts to children who read for school initiatives. Jeremy Krajewski, manager of Mohawk Harvest Cooperative Market, 30 N. Main St., makes sure customers feels welcome as he makes customized coffee and shares local products.

The theater also offers opportunities for children to participate in productions. In 2023, 75 children took to the stage in “Disney’s Frozen Kids” with an estimated 80 participating in 2024's "Lion King."
Gloversville is also home to several youth leagues including Fulton United Soccer, Gloversville Little League baseball and Little Huskies football. Depending on the time of year, you can see kids out on the fields learning new skills and playing games. A new splash pad opened at Trail Station Park in 2023, and an ice-skating rink will be available in the upcoming St. Thomas Square Piazza in 2025.

Nature is Your Next-Door Neighbor
In addition to local entertainment options that are available in Gloversville, the scenic outdoors is just a bike ride away for enjoying nature.
Fulton County's eight-mile FJ&G Rail Trail runs through the heart of the City of Gloversville for walking and biking pleasure. A quick trip down Route 30A is the Empire State Trail with Trail Head parking located in nearby Fultonville. Peck Hill State Forest Mountain Biking Trails is located just outside the city of Route 29A with trails for all biking skill levels.
The Wheelerville Trails Mountain Bike Park is located 12 miles away in Caroga Lake.