Enjoy Gloversville’s Parks and Greenspaces for National Take a Walk in the Park Day and DEC’s Bird Challenge
Grab your mud boots, maybe your mittens, and a healthy attitude on March 30th and go explore a Gloversville Park as part of National Take a Walk in the Park Day! The day was created to remind people of the benefits of walks and to encourage them to spend more time outdoors. Why not use Gloversville’s greenspaces and parks to get out and move? Even better, talk a walk through Downtown Gloversville to visit all of them.
Here is a list of parks and greenspace, not just the ones in the Downtown Corridor. Be sure to take a photo of you enjoying the greenspace and post it on social media with the hash tags #TakeAWalkInTheParkDay and #DowntownGloversville

· Castiglione Memorial Park, 47 N. Main St.
· Trail Station Park, West Fulton Street
· Wandel Park, Spring Street
· Estee Park, 99 N. Main St.

· FJ&G Rail Trail
· Elk Street Park, 110 E. Fulton St.
· Washington Street Park, 127 Washington St.
· The Community Garden, 110 Fremont St.
· Littauer Park, 12 Prospect Ave.

· Spring Street Park, 139 Spring St.
· Veterans Park, 256 Kingsboro Ave.
· Melchoir Park, 94 Kingsboro Ave.
· Herman Meyers Memorial Park, located near Park Terrace Elementary School, off 50 Bloomingdale Avenue
· Wohlfarth's Pond, 44 S. McNab Ave.

· Darling Field (located off Kingsboro Avenue and Newman Street)
· Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home’s walking Trail, 99 E. State St.
· Parkhurst Field, Harrison Street
While visiting the greenspaces, use the opportunity to participate in the I BIRD NY

Challenge, sponsored by the state Department of Environmental Conservation. Open to all ages, and ending on November 1, participating can identify any 10 bird species of their choosing and logging the findings on a sheet that can be downloaded from www.dec.ny.gov/docs/administration_pdf/ibirdnychallengeform.pdf. When complete, submit the challenge sheet to DEC at www.surveymonkey.com/r/IBirdNYChallenge. Upon submission of the sheet, participants will be awarded a commemorative patch, a completion certificate and will be entered into a drawing for birding prizes.
In one day, a participant can find an American Robin, American Crow, and Black-capped Chickadees. Ducks, such as the Hooded Merganser, can easily be found in the Cayadutta Creek along the FJ&G Rail Trail and Trail Station Park. Hard part is taking a good, quality photo of the birds when they are in flight!
Stay. Play. Explore. Live.
Discover Downtown Gloversville