Honor MLK Day with Exploring Volunteer Options in Downtown Gloversville

Martin Luther King Jr. Day this year falls on January 15th and the holiday commemorates the life of the activist that is well known for his work in the Civil Rights Movement. (To learn more about him, visit www.britannica.com/biography/Martin-Luther-King-Jr)
Many use this holiday to remember Dr. King with service to others and to non-profit service organizations. Also known as the Day of Service, the event helps keep Dr. King’s legacy alive by “being active in our communities. Although Dr. King was an activist, he didn’t just fight for civil and human rights but also animal rights and environmental justice as well,” according to the web article https://nonprofitpoint.com/service-ideas-for-martin-luther-king-jr.day

Gloversville is home to the Fulton County Regional SPCA, an organization located at 117 W. Fulton St. that fits in with Dr. King’s focus on animals as its mission is to “provide immediate shelter and care for any homeless or abused animals and either reunite these animals with their owners or find them new, loving homes. We will actively promote animal and owner education, training, and public awareness to improve the lives of the animals in our community and beyond.” They are always looking for volunteers to help with the animals and run the shelter and those interested in assisting, can call (518) 725-5956 or email contact@fcrspca.org. One way to help is to donate and a fun event is happening in February to help raise funds for the shelter. The 10th Annual Chili Cook Off to benefit the Fulton County Regional SPCA will be held on Feb. 4th at the Johnstown Eagles Club, 12 S. William St., from 1 to 4 p.m. Presale tickets are $15 and $20 at the door.

There are many human service organizations and churches that assist our community members in a variety of ways that are located in Downtown Gloversville. They include The Family Counseling Center (11-21 Broadway), The Salvation Army of Fulton County (10 Spring St.), and the Gloversville branch of Fulmont Community Action Agency and Gloversville Senior Citizens Center that are both located at 53 Church St.
The Gloversville Recreation Commission is also a great organization that needs volunteers. The group organizes local events including the Youth Fishing Derby, Railfest, Fall Fest and runs the city’s summer day camp program. Individuals can either sign up to help at events or become a commission member to help in the planning of events – or do both! Meetings are on the fourth Thursday of the month at City Hall, 3 Frontage Road, at 7 p.m. Inquiries can also be made to Recreation@cityofgloversville.com.

Not only is volunteering helping others and the community, it is rewarding as it gives volunteers a sense of accomplishment, as well as helping make their city a better place to live in. Volunteers are now role models to future generations and inspire others to give back.
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